We are very excited to release our BRAND NEW PODCAST available now on Mixcloud!
We’ll be bring you a monthly dose of new music from here on out so stay tuned.
For our first instalment we bring you a 2 hour special hosted by our Programme Assistant – Anna Palmer.
We look back on the Experimental music calendar and talk this year’s Fat Out Fest, Supernormal, Tusk and of course, Supersonic. We tell you about the exciting shows still to come from Supersonic this year, playing tracks from the artists involved & a dig back through the Supersonic archive.
Featuring chit chat with Sarah Lafford of Arrhythmia on NTS & an interview with the legendary Steve Davis.
With tracks from: Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Lone Taxidermist, Housewives, The Evil Usses, ORE & some old school Supersonic Artists such as Thrones & Hype Williams + much much more.