venetian snares + fanny + teatowel

Tue 15th October 2002
Flapper and Firkin

Venetian Snares

venetian Snares Doll Doll Doll (Hymen)
Since releasing his debut EP on the Isolate label and his subsequent discovery by Mike Paradinas of Planet-Mu, Winnipeg, Canada based Aaron Funk aka Venetian Snares has quickly become a household name in the underground techno community and its easy to see why. Within the first two minutes of Doll Doll Doll, its pretty clear that Mr. Funk isnt just another kid with a laptop looking for a record deal. Starting off with a simple take on mutant drum and bass, the CD soon veers off into much more experimental territory, most of it dark, dissonant and unbelievably complex – combining the most astonishing collection of rhythms, genres and influences into a record that defies categorisation. From the lunatic asylum led free jazz meets off kilter drum and bass of I Rent The Ocean to the demonically vocal gabbercore of Befriend, there is much here to be worried about. This is not a record for the timid. (Napalm Death fans take note) But, the true genius of this man isnt fully realised until you come across the fourth track on here. Entitled Dollmaker, it starts from swing jazz which then slowly morphs into something much more sinister. Fusing full on gabbacore with cellos and distorted synths, Funk takes it one step further, injecting an angry Cannibal Ox-esque hip-hop vocal in the mix.

The subject matter here is equally dark – most of it focusing on child abuse of some kind of another. Tracks are entitled Befriend a Childkiller or All The Children Are Dead, a sample from the Jon-Benet Ramsey helpline appears on one track, a darkened voice lurking in the background whispering befriend the childkiller on another. Like I said: scary stuff. Its very rare these days that music producers are able to leap from genre to genre while still keeping the overall vision of the source material intact. Aaron Funk has managed to do exactly that in a way that is darker and nastier than we ever imagined. Think Naked City’s Torture Garden remixed by Squarepusher at twice the speed and youre close. Make it a lot more cohesive and much more evil and youre there. Brutally dissonant, mind-blowingly complex and very, very nasty. Its the kind of release that will have armies of imitators behind it in no time at all. Watch this man – he will go far and scare the hell out of everyone in his way. Absolutely fantastic. Get it.
Reviewer: Olli Siebelt

Fanny is Frasier Runciman and began his musical career twenty years ago in the deconstructed rubble of the British punk rock explosion. Playing guitar for countless Edinburough bands fusing everything from the banshees to def jam, stravinsky to pfunk, fanny’s exploits brought him to the attention of local punk rock legends the exploited, whom he joined in 1993.

Trading in his guitars for synths and a PC, Frasier was freed at last to fully explore his musical ideas. Frasier found a new playground and began pushing his material in bold and often ridiculous directions. Weekend trips to Wisconsin and the legendary barn parties in east troy further seeded his ambitions. It was there that he caught the attention of Zod record boss Destro and Widerstand kingpin Eiterherd from Austria and plans were quickly made to release his new tracks. Collaborating with his small black dog puff, squealing under his chair, Frasier went on an intense writing binge in an effort to develop a new and original music. Important to him also, is having something to say with his music, be it an emotional impression or a concrete idea. As a result, his music stands out in the anonymous electronic world for his personality, wit and humor.

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