ESP (Extra Special People) will create their own trading show. The residency will look at themes of public space, learning, exchange and value. ESP members will use the Pavilion to exhibit new work, sell editions, organise trading events and lead public discussions and reading groups.
Come along to the Pavilion and make your offer. Dog walking for art? Haircuts for art? Baking for art?
ESP is Eastside Projects’ associate members scheme. It supports a membership of artists, designers, curators and art writers through a range of opportunties and commissions.
The Pavilion will host a rolling programme of Creative Residencies. Artists, film makers, book makers and a range of other creatives will set up home in The Pavilion for a week, making new work and offering a variety of free activities for Library visitors.
Each week, visitors entering the space will be treated to a different experience, ranging from interactive pieces such as audience inspired theatre and film workshops to exhibitions of sci-fi sculptures made from junk and artefacts honouring lost mythical deities. The Library’s collections and literary resources inspired much of the programme, and each residency will encourage audiences to discover something new in the Library of Birmingham.
Part of the Discovery season.