The Millennium has been anticipated in many ways throughout history, from science fiction imagining silver clad people in flying machines to religious groups predicticting the end of the world. However, in the present, thoughts nd attitudes towards the millenium mainly centre around new years eve itself.
Earlier this decade laws were brought in to curb anarchic raves, parties and spontaneous gatherings of people who wanted to have a good time. Now we are being allowed and encouragd to gather and celebrate. However, the official stamp on fun and celebration has driven most spontaneity and desire to do so into cynicism and disinterest. PMT is a realist voice in these superficial time, raising questions about the lack of fantastic imagination when considering the future and how of the future is focused purely on the second when 1999 becomes 2000 and how meaningless this is in the context of the complexities of life.
Ben Javens presents lethargic party products, reflecting the feeling created through enforced celebration.
Lisa Meyer in Unknown has rejected the use of contemporary high end visual imaging technology combining traditional casting with lo-fi technology to create a portrait which exists across specific times being Victorian, Ice-Age or contemporary.
Jenny Moore considers the transient nature of time in her landscapes, documenting moments connecting the past and the future, introducing the old to the new through using the past to allude to things to come – the cyclical nature of time nd progress.
Ian Richards looks back to the future and how previous generations had imagined the year 2000. Through literature, film, comics and science this point in time was seen as being inhabited with silver-suited super heroes who would fly through the stratosphere battling with the evil forces of Big Brother.
Claire Smith rejects the significance of official time, seeing time as relative to experience and emotion.
Wunderkammer present New Media, a collection of material formats of recorded information storage the collection of obsolete and thriving materials allude to the promise and disappointment of future technologies.