A contemporary trio led by renowned Palestinian vocalist and Oud player Kamilya Jubran with Werner Hassler (Trumpet, Electronics) and Sarah Murcia (Double Bass, Roland SH-101).
In the Arabic language, Wasl signifies combination, contact or connection. In keeping with the spirit of these definitions, the Wasl project is a meeting point between different historical and musical traditions, brought to the stage by three seasoned musicians inhabiting the works of two poets. Palestinian composer, vocalist and musician Kamilya Jubran has collaborated with French acoustic bass player Sarah Murcia and Swiss trumpeter and electronics producer Werner Hasler since the early 2000’s. The trio creates an intricate and rich musical backdrop for the written works of poets Hassan Najmi (from Rabat, Morocco) and Salman Masalha (from Jerusalem, Palestine), creating in this manner bridges between the Middle East and the Maghreb, and paving the way for a new Arab “chanson”.
The Nawa showcase is supported by British Council.