Isis + Final

Wed 28th October 2009
The Asylum
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Isis create their own universe and rules, they are compromisingly heavy, slow and brutal, but apply a deftness of touch that so many other bands using the quiet/loud dynamic miss completely. They are hard to categories, but all the more interesting for it, using vocals sparingly they approach the idea of a voice as another instrument in their cannon, they want to bludgeon you but they also want you to see the inherent beauty in all that is ugly and while you imagine that a band playing ten minute slow burning epics would be boring to watch they are hypnotising and entrancing and above all exciting.



FINAL serves as an undefinable and experimental interpretation of Justin Broadricks more recognised music ; encompassing the brutal and the dark to the beautiful and the melodic, the term ‘ambient’ is often used to describe the sound of FINAL, but the music is not at all intended to function purely as background as the term ‘ambient’ generally implies…..