A Silver Mt. Zion + Frankie Sparo + Buick 6

Tue 16th January 2001
Factory Club

A Silver Mt. Zion
Frankie Sparo
Buick 6

A Silver Mt. Zion is a group led by founding godspeed you black emperor! guitarist Efrim, together with other godspeed members Sophie and Thierry. The music was written by Efrim and arranged by the trio. Efrim plays mostly piano, some guitar, and provides the vocals on the one lyrical piece on their debut. Thierry contributes upright and electric bass, and Sophie plays violin.
To some extent, A Silver Mt. Zion was born out of a desire on the part of these godspeed players to work in a smaller musical ensemble; in effect, to escape some of the constraints that often accompany writing and arranging music democratically with nine musicians. As well, Efrim simply wanted a vehicle to realise some of his own musical ideas that would not necessarily work well within the context of godspeed.

“A Silver Mt. Zion, a Godspeed side project featuring guitarist Efrim Menuck, bassist Thierry Amar, and violinist Sophie Trudeau, forgoes the thick, orchestral sounds of the Montréal nine-piece, opting instead for a more subtly orchestrated three-to-five-piece arrangement. The result is a sound that, while every bit as powerful as that of Godspeed, is in many ways more affecting. Whereas Godspeed present a sometimes overwhelming wall of sound, A Silver Mt. Zion have turned that intimidating sonic behemoth into a sparse, penetrating beast tearing limb from limb.”

Matt LeMay Pitchforkmedia.com August 8, 2000

‘My red scare’ the debut by frankie sparo is a dark & deconstructed affair, featuring lots of angular guitar, skittish electronics, and a throaty voice offering up the finest lyrical turns of phrase we’ve heard in a long while. ‘my red scare’ is redolent with film noir atmosphere: vaguely sinister & paranoid at times & languid at others, the whole record exudes oblique intimacy and the unique sensibility of a true auteur.

with arrangement help from various musicians within the constellation circle, the pieces range from spare acoustic guitar accompaniment, to electric guitar & beatbox collisions and full-on orchestrations for strings.

To find out more about asmz visit: