If you think the Capsule ladies sit around twiddling their thumbs between Supersonics, think again! 2011 has been an incredible year for our most ambitious project to date with exhibitions, live events and a conference all celebrating Birmingham and the Black Country as the birthplace of Heavy Metal. The project is ongoing and you can contribute to the Home of Metal digital archive and learn more here www.homeofmetal.com
Impassioned by the social conditions of the time and inspired by anarcho-punk bands who were taking an anti-capitalist stance through their music, Nicholas Bullen and Miles ‘Rat’ Ratledge formed Napalm Death. At only 14 years old, they were motivated to play gigs, create fanzines, and swap music via cassette tapes with the wider punk community. This exhibition will give you an exciting insight into this period of music history – the formation of Grindcore.
No strangers to Supersonic, here are Napalm Death performing at the fest in 2010: