“There has always been and will always be Samekhmem.
Seek not to understand the birth of Samekhmem.
True comprehension of this is beyond regular thought.
Place your mind, instead, in the center of the universe and allow yourself to dwell in the infinite.
When you know Samekhmem, you will realise that you have always known Samekhmem.
This truth extends beyond all imaginable constraints.
You will know the eternal message of Samekhmem.
It has always been heard by you and you will always be part of it.”
Samekhmem are performers of the Sacred Eternal Drone – that has always been and will always continue. Join the followers of Samekhmem, as a follower you can experience, contribute to and dictate past and future performances.
Experience a Samekhmem performance, witness the perpetual Sacred Eternal Drone, as part of ‘The Event’ on Friday 21st October at Minerva Works, 5pm-10pm.
Contribute to this performance via http://tools-and-principles.blogspot.com/