Dennis Mcnett at Supersonic Festival 2018


Dennis Mcnett at Supersonic Festival 2018

2018 is a monumental year for Supersonic. This June, we bring to the back streets of Digbeth the FIRST EVER major project in the UK from prolific artist, Dennis Mcnett. Our Artist in Residence, Dennis will produce a NEW large-scale work to embody the beating heart of this year’s festival, using Supersonic musicians and audience alike.

Conjurer of the colossal, Dennis doesn’t just exhibit work in galleries, he parades it down the street. Sculpting full scale temples or engineering viking ships inspired by Norse mythology to cruise through New York City. Birthing a 16ft puppet operated by 20 people in elaborate masks with costumed dancers and caterwauling musicians. Whatever the setting, the results are astounding.

Combining design roots in traditional wood cuts with the raw high-energy imagery pouring out of the early 80’s skateboard and punk rock scene, Dennis has carved an intricate tribe of mythical entities and tales. His Wolfbat moniker, a symbol for rebellion against authority, brings to light our animalistic rituals, he brings to life our beasts.

It’s easy to be cynical in this world. For me, it’s not always easy to walk through life with positivity and try to offer that positivity back to the world. I find it fun and effective to offer it with characters, story telling, collaboration, made-up myth and meditation.” Dennis Mcnett


This work promises to be a spectacular, communal celebration. We always put audiences at the heart of our vision and love nothing more than bringing you exciting and innovative programmes.

We turn to you, dear audience, to help us make this ambitious work a reality – help bring the beast to life!

This year, you can opt for any of the following bundles released along side our Early Bird Tickets. You’ll be helping us raise funds for this monstrous project whilst bagging yourself some stunning limited edition merchandise created by Dennis himself.

Have a look at our Early Bird Ticket bundles