Capsule are currently putting together a zine about all things Supersonic and we’re looking for illustrators to contribute. If you’re interested, please contact [email protected] by 16th August and we can send you more details.
Australian guitarist and sound designer Oren Ambarchi is performing at Supersonic 2011 in collaboration with the FIRE! trio of Mats Gustafsson from The Thing (saxophone/rhodes), Johan Berthling from Tape (bass) and Andreas Werliin from Wildbirds and Peacedrums (percussion). Originally a drummer, he came to the guitar by accident, investigating its sound properties rather than learning traditional techniques. A good entry point into his work is ‘Grapes From The Estate’ album (Touch, 2004), a masterful exploration of ambient guitar and electronics. More recently, he has collaborated with Stephen O’Malley and Attilar Csihar as Gravetemple.
1. Which five words describe what you know about Supersonic?
Lovely people and killer shows
2. What can people expect of your collaboration with FIRE! at the festival?
In all honesty I don’t know what to expect as the Supersonic show will be the first time we’ve worked together(!).
Additionally I’ll be flying all the way from Australia for 30+ hrs, landing at Heathrow, driving straight to Birmingham and hitting it immediately so…it should be awesome, hahaha. I must say that I’m a fan of all the guys in the band so I’m really excited to work with them.
3. Why make music – what does it do for you that nothing else does?
I often think about what drives us to do this stuff, this stuff that continually tortures & haunts us..(or me anyway as it can be a struggle at times). Mostly for me I think it’s the search for beauty/ecstasy. When I’m going for something & it doesn’t work, I can get super depressed for days. But when it ‘works’ there’s no other feeling that comes close and I’m always striving to get to this state again & again. I’m really addicted to it.
4. Who else on the bill are you hoping to see? (And why?)
Well, definitely Tony Conrad. I’ve seen him a number of times but I can’t get enough of his work, especially in a live context. He’s super important to me. Also totally psyched to see Cut Hands. I’m a huge Whitehouse/Bennett fan, I love the way he’s fused this ecstatic trance inducing voodou vibe with noise. There’s plenty of other friends playing at the fest who I’m looking forward to hanging with & listening to, there’s definitely a great breadth to all the lineups at Supersonic.
5. Finally, your essential ‘surviving-Supersonic’ items are…
Melatonin, ear-plugs, finding a decent restaurant (ahem) and a good single-malt.
From London, Teeth of the Sea play a wild, mixed-up strain of what sounds like semi-improvised jams. Structures are amorphous, reference points are redundant as they switch modes from song-to-song – noise-rock, electronics and dubbed-out trumpet all get a look-in. As DROWNED IN SOUND said in their review of current album ‘Your Mercury’ (Rocket Recordings, 2010), the band create “a steamy, light-starved jungle of tangled electronics and feral distortion occasionally punctuated by startlingly lucid bottom end. For the most part Teeth of the Sea’s second record defies any worries about genre categorisation, a hermetically sealed unit with such a strong sense of self that comparisons to other music seem perverse.”
1. Which five words describe what you know about Supersonic? Jimmy: An embarrassment of sonic riches. Mat: Great method of karma scouring. Mike: It goes up to 11.
2. What can people expect of Teeth of the Sea at the festival? Mat: Manifold contact highs. Seeing us should lead to elevation. Being down wind of us should lead to inebriation. Mike: Hair raising, teeth grinding, ear bleeding, knob twiddling, move busting, figure hugging, fist pumping, face melting, load blowing, psyche fucking rock. Jimmy: It’ll be a bit like that climactic scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, only with four skinny blokes instead of the seraphim, a total absence of the Third Reich, and the added bonus of just about being able to survive to tell the tale afterwards.
3. Why make music – what does it do for you that nothing else does? Mike: We’d have to hand over to philosopher, poet, composer and classical philologist Friedrich Nietzsche here, with his celebrated quote “Without music, life would be a mistake. Besides which, whenever I hear the sound of a needle hitting wax I get as hard as a diamond in an ice storm.” I think he speaks for us all. Mat: Seriously, it’s the art form that allows for the greatest breadth of thinking and technique. Approach it from any angle and you can still make it dance. Which is what Supersonic is all about, right? Jimmy: Music. Makes The People. Come Together.
4. Who else on the bill are you hoping to see? (And why?) Mike: The fact we’re on the same bill as Zombi is making us collectively weep tears of joy and blood. Also looking forward to Alva Noto + Byetone quite possibly ripping a hole in the fabric of space and time above the Custard Factory. Jimmy: I’m pretty excited about withstanding Astro’s cosmic assault, but there’s literally nobody on the bill I wouldn’t pay to go and see at their own show. Plus Electric Wizard as headliners are going to be one unholy rite. Mat: I’m already upset that I won’t be able to see everything, but I’m really excited about seeing Circle again. Mainly because the rest of TOTS have never seen them and I want to be there when THE GREATEST LIVE BAND IN THE WORLD tear them all fresh ones.
5. Finally, your essential ‘surviving-Supersonic’ items are… Mike: all essential. Trust me. Jimmy: We’re still trying to secure lucrative sponsorship deals with Ginster’s Pasties and Anadin Extra, so I should probably say those. The only problem with Supersonic in my experience is that I end up so thrilled by the whole shebang that I’m a mess by about 10PM, but far be it from me to suggest something as vulgar as pacing yourself. Mat: The Bat Belt will be equipped with nerve agents, tranquilizers, military issue med kit, Tescos coupons, guitar picks and holy water. As standard.
Described in one review as a “deep black minimalistic, slow, humongous doom monster”, Monarch are not a band for the faint-hearted. Since their 2002 founding in the Basque region of southern France, the band’s concept hasn’t change drastically – in some ways, it’s the slow, persistent hunting-down of a single thread. Guitarist Kaïdine says simply: “The main idea was to play slow and loud as fuck. We were all playing in fast bands so we wanted to play something very different, something new and challenging for us.” The band toured the US last year with fellow Supersonic 2011 artists Wolves in the Throne Room and Village Voice concluded a review of their New York show by saying “a focused, intense performance, utterly lacking the catharsis that’s metal’s usual stock-in-trade”.
You can see that focus in this nicely shot full-length set from Valle de Trápaga-Trapagaran in the Basque region of Spain. Slow, yes, but also strangely uplifting.
For our third Supersonic artist Q&A, we present – from Baltimore, USA – Nathan Osmodius Bell. Bell plays astounding, cyclical banjo pieces making creative use of delay and bowing techniques. His music is sometimes sparse, sometimes urgent, but always inventive and the current album ‘Colors‘ on Lancashire & Somerset Records is as good a place as any to enter his world. Bell was also the bass player in Lungfish and has a duo called Human Bell with Dave Heumann from Arboretum. Clever name, clever musician.
1. Which five words describe what you know about Supersonic?
Five times speed of sound.
2. What can people expect of you at the festival?
The channeling of music five times the sound of speed, a one man band with the help of a few others, jamming out cosmic rhythms, in a string ensemble crafting poignant melodic scores, elevating and resonating deep in internal tunes. A church of the metaphysical “Tall Praises High Spirit band.
3. Why make music – what does it do for you that nothing else does?
Because music is a gift and to truly appreciate this gift then one should be able to submit, to channel it thru. music is medicine, medicine is music. Soul food for the brain. It closes two eyes to open the third.
4. Who else on the bill are you hoping to see?
Bardo Pond, Skull Defekts.
5. Finally, your essential ‘surviving-Supersonic’ items are…
One banjo, guitar, drums, harmonica, a prayer and a praise for the music.
Listen to songs from Nathan Bell’s current album ‘Colors‘ (Lancashire & Somerset Records).
Here’s our second artist Q&A to give you an insight into the inner-workings of Supersonic 2011. Part Chimp bring their heavy noise-rock to the festival in what will be one of their last ever performances. It’s a real shame they’re splitting up, but that could also give you reason no.137 to book your ticket.
1. Which five words describe what you know about Supersonic?
2. What can people expect of Part Chimp at the festival?
One of our last UK shows. If you haven’t seen us before, or it has been a while, now’s the time. If you’ve seen us loads of times, come celebrate the death throes.
3. Why make music – what does it do for you that nothing else does?
It’s a team version of primal scream therapy.
4. Who else on the bill are you hoping to see? (And why?)
Alex Tucker, Kogumaza, and a bunch of other mates. Bardo Pond, Alva Noto, WitTR, Tony Conrad and others. Supersonic’s a good opportunity to check out an extreme blend of stuff.
5. Finally, your essential ‘surviving-Supersonic’ items are…
Earplugs, spare earplugs, the green cross code, & the paperback of “how black was our sabbath”.
Skull Defekts news – 12″ EP out in time for Supersonic
News just in from via the Skull Defekts Tumblr site is that they should have a brand new 12″ EP out in time for their show at Supersonic 2011. If it’s anything like their stunning ‘Peer Amid’ album released earlier this year, fans of anything from Krautrock to post-punk to shamanistic yowling are in for a treat. That last element comes from legendary singer Daniel Higgs – the ex-Lungfish man has added an extra wow-factor to what was already a pretty powerful, muscular sound. If you want more words, direct from the horse’s mouth, there’s an interview with Joachim from the band on their Tumblr here and a video from a recent live show is below. Does anyone know what effects have been used on the footage? We like the grainy, washed-out look here in the Capsule office, but tell us how it’s done!
1. Which five words describe what you know about Supersonic?
“I think I’ve gone deaf”
2. What can people expect of Kogumaza at the festival?
I’m not best qualified to answer – my friend Hoppy said we were like a hot bath for his ears so I’ll go with that. A hot, never-ending bath made of fuzz and echo.
3. Why make music – what does it do for you that nothing else does?
Sometimes when you’re experiencing music, usually live music, it can feel like no one party (the audience or those making the music) is in charge and there’s some sort of 3rd element involved. Like the experience transcends the sum of the parts. It doesn’t happen often (rarely as an audience member and even less so as the person making the music) but it’s enough of a unique and beautiful situation to keep returning to music-making again and again in search of it. I can’t think of any other sensory experience that is able to take shape quite like that. Apologies for sounding like a hippy.
4. Who else on the bill are you hoping to see? (And why?)
I helped promote a show for Bardo Pond about 14 years ago in a bar in Colchester, Essex. It was the first proper band I ever helped put on. The bar had a noise limiter. They soundchecked and it kept showing red but didn’t seem to do anything bad like turn the power off, so we thought “to hell with it” and left it loud. Turned out that when the sensor went red it turned the room lights off so they played most of the show in the dark and it was awesome. That’s an important lesson to learn right there. I’m really excited that they’re playing. Looking forward to seeing Skull Defekts and Part Chimp too. Supersonic’s always been about surprises as well though, so I’m hoping the best thing on the bill is something I’ve never heard of before.
5. Finally, your essential ‘surviving-Supersonic’ items are…
Ear plugs for sure. Also, in the middle of the outdoor area there is this weird metal pipe-like fixture sticking out of the ground with warning tape on it. I think they slot a fountain in it normally. At about 1am, if you’ve had your brain fried
enough, it might start to resemble an empty beer can, just sitting there. No matter how good you feel and how much you want to express how amazing Harvey Milk were (as was the case), don’t take a run up and kick the “can” in celebration of the majesty of rock like my good friend Ross did 2 years ago because you’ll spend the rest of the night in Sellyoak Casualty waiting for some nurses to stick your toes back together.
We’re very excited to announce that electronica pioneers Alva Noto and Byetone will be playing at this year’s Supersonic Festival. Two wizards of experimental audio visual performance, the German artists will be playing at the festival as part of their 15 year anniversary tour. Alva Noto makes rhythms and harmonies using clicks and glitches and is also known for his work with Ryoji Ikeda. Byetone, aka Olaf Benders is the label boss of Raster Noton record label and as Byetone manipulates abstract animations in realtime to support abstract, complex pieces of music that mange to be danceable at the same time.
Also joining the bill this year is Cut Hands, aka William Bennett of Whitehouse, and his afro noise project. Alexander Tucker will be presenting an intimate performance of his new record of minimalist string arrangements and electronic manipulations and The Berg Sans Nipple will bring their incredible live show to the festival. Part Chimp, legendary for the volume of their live hows will bring their noise rock to the stage, along with psych sleazers Teeth of the Sea, Sabbath worshippers Slabdragger and Nottingham’s finest, Kogumaza.
As ever, we like you to get you involved in the festival too, a bit of audience participation never goes amiss and we’re pleased to announce an exciting workshop from Supersonic friend John Richards. After the success of his Dirty Electronics Ensemble in 2009, he’ll back with a new noise making workshop, Mute Synth, where participants can also show off their hard work with a live performance at the festival.
We’re also very pleased to announce the return of Supersonic Kids Gigs – big sounds for little people. Lucky Dragons, as well as performing at the main festival site for us grown ups, will be doing a special performance for children and their families.
Tickets for the festival are only £75 for three days of music, film, art and cake and are available from:
British experimental musician Alexander Tucker releases his Thrill Jockey debut Dorwytch in April 2011. This record breaks new ground for Tucker by combining minimalist string arrangements with electronic manipulations and drones to produce doom chamber-pop songs and psychedelic music-concrete collages.
Tucker’s sound has developed over the years since his first self-titled solo album, which featured acoustic finger-picking, experimental electronics and was released on Jackie O Motherfucker’s U-Sound Archives label. Three years in the making Dorwytch finds Tucker refining his song craft and introducing minimalist string movements that build into dense spiraling riffs around his distinct vocals. This album will beguile and entice the listener, placing Tucker at the forefront of the experimental pop landscape.
A very special performance at Supersonic Festival will see a performance of this new material matched with projections of films made specially for the event The performance is a extension of the Alexander Tucker visual world of hair beings and other worldly creatures.
Hello folks. My name’s David and I’m the Marketing intern for Supersonic 2011. I’m based in Manchester so I have the dubious pleasure of getting to know the M6 in intimate detail over the next few months. One of my first jobs has been to put together a Spotify playlist for artists performing at this year’s festival. It’s been great to check out some fantastic acts – hope you enjoy listening. Personally I’m excited about Skull Defekts (their current record ‘Peer Amid’ with Daniel Higgs is superb), Wolves in the Throne Room, Nathan Bell and Bardo Pond. Cloaks are my newest discovery too. Liking them a lot.
We’ve asked a number of Supersonic regulars to tell us what they’re most looking forward to at this years festival, Anthea from Thrill Jockeyrecommends…
Factory Floor –
Have to be one of the most exciting UK bands for a very long time. The hype is to be believed, they are a frightenly intense and hypnotic band to watch. Their Rough Trade East show this year was for me a highlight of the summer. Swans –
Well, I think if your not totally excited about the fact such an important and constantly brutal band are gracing the stage you need to re think your life! Voice of Seven Thunders –
Are mesmerizing to both listen to and watch live. This is going to be a big highlight for me, their eponymous album which came out early in the year, is one of my personal favourite albums of 2010, so I am really excited they are is playing the festival. And waiting for the Nurse With Wound collaboration to come later in the year is making me dizzy!
Dethscalator –
Are always a must watch band for me. This is the perfect festival for them to be playing at as their singer is one of the most entertaining, compelling front men in any London band around at the moment. Pure heavy riffage, noise and destruction, excellent ingredients for things to get messy! Eagle Twin –
Really a little bit over excited ( in a Christmas morning kind of way, when you are 10 years old) that I am going to get to see these guys play their UK debut. I am told they do not disappoint, and come highly recommended to me – so I am spreading that love!
It’s been a pretty busy week here at Supersonic HQ, we are now the proud owners of 6000 pint glasses for our very first Supersonic Bar (which will be stocked with Purity Ale and Hogans Cider – located in the Old Library), cake has been ordered, our catalogue has been proofed and is now with the printers, the volunteer briefing has been held, posters have arrived, and most importantly just in today a limited edition live recording of Iron Lungs set from Supersonic 2009.
It’s limited to 1000 copies on heavyweight vinyl and will be available exclusively from our merch stall at Supersonic, it’s pure comic genius.
This can only mean 7 days till the festival starts!!!
Arc apartments and the Paragon Hotel are now both sold out, there are rooms still available at:
Nite Nite (15 mins walk/5 min cab from the Custard Factory, It’s just a 5 minute walk from New Street Station)
Quote ‘super10’ for room – Tel: 08458 90 90 99
rate £39.95 per night (Double room only) with WIFI
(while available)
And at Britannia Hotel
10 mins walk from the Custard Factory and located right in the city centre, 2 mins from New Street Station
The Quietus went and chatted to Michael Rother about Hallogallo
Michael Rother’s pedigree as a Krautrock pioneer is close to unparalleled, with a roster including Kraftwerk, Neu!, and more recently, Harmonia, his project with Cluster’s Hans Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius. But it is his work with the much-missed motorik innovator Klaus Dinger for which he is best known. Latest project Hallogallo was originally intended as a reunion of sorts with Dinger, before the drummer’s tragic death in 2008. Now Rother is making his first appearances in years, with Hallogallo 2010 – consisting of Rother, the majestic Steve Shelley of Sonic Youth on drums, and bassist Aaron Mullan of the Tall Firs.
Calling Birds – Sausage God, the next in the series of beermat illustrations counting down the days to Supersonic Festival 2010. Ever seeking new ways to upload a picture of a dog.
Home Of Metal: Sirens Of Sparkhill
Kerrang! DJ Johnny Doom will be hosting a special roundtable chat with past and present members of Napalm Death – so if you ever wanted to hear about the formative years of the world’s premier grindcore band, or if you just want to discover exactly what the bloody hell a swinging thumbjump is, you’d be advised to set time aside to catch this one-off discussion.
To our delight we received these amazing Supersonic posters at our office today. They have been created by Italian screenprint collective Malleus. Following our theme of autumn, they have been designed using a metallic ink on brown card. We will have a limited number on sale at the festival.
Have a look at the set they created for us in 2008
Have a look at the Malleus blog to see their print process
With less than 3 weeks to go until Supersonic 2010, this is the third and fina podcast created by Little Chris of Brumcast fame, to give you a real taster for what’s in store – enjoy!
1. Master Musicians Of Bukakke – Cascade Cathedral (4:13)
2. Napalm Death – Mass Appeal Madness (3:29)
3. Drumcorps – Pig Destroyer Destroyer (4:26)
4. People Like Us – Gesundheit! (1:16)
5. Chrome Hoof – Crystalline (4:01)
6. James Blackshaw – Cross (8:38)
7. Health & Efficiency – Yes I walked alone (4:23)
8. Swans – Time Is Money (Bastard) (6:20)
9. Mugstar – Technical Knowledge as a Weapon (5:40)
10. Gnod – Twin Within (13:11)
11. Mothlite – The One In The Water (4:41)
12. K.K. Null – X-02 (4:25)
13. Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides – Earth Song (3:22)
14. Ovo – Ostkreuz (2:50)
15. Nicholas Bullen – Proximity (8:12)
16. Melt Banana – Dog Song (1:20)
17. Godflesh – Streetcleaner (6:43)
18. NEU! – SEE LAND (6:54)
We’ve been asking regular attendees of Supersonic to recommend what they are most looking forward to seeing at this years festival. Stuart Braithwaite of Mogwai fame, will be introducing a screening of ‘Burning‘, a film by Nathanael Le Scouarnec and Vincent Moon which captures Mogwai performing over three nights at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, NYC
Stuart will also be doing a spot or two of DJing over the weekend in between catching the following bands:
1 melt banana– Japan’s Melt Banana are without doubt one of the finest live bands on the planet. For years i’d heard their music on the John Peel show and loved it but it was only when i saw them play in the flesh that i realised what a special bunch of musicians they are. Their music is pretty much undescribable so i won’t bother trying. They need to be seen to be believed.
2hallgallo – Michael Rother of Neu! and Harmonia fame’s current live group Hallo Gallo are fantastic. I saw them play in Edinburgh and it was one of the best shows i’ve seen for years. They don’t just trawl through the Neu! catalogue and instead create something really special and new while also dipping into some of the classic songs. Its not nostalgia at all. Brilliant.
3 Factory Floor – Of all the new bands playing Supersonic Factory Floor are the one i’m most excited about. I saw them support Fuck Buttons last year and they blew me away. They have a coldness about their music which recalls Throbbing Gristle or Joy Division but simultaneously sound totally modern. I also met them and they were lovely folk which always helps.
477 BOA DRUM– The Boredoms are a mind blowing live band and this will be my first experience of their drum extravaganza. To say i’m excited would be a massive understatement. This screening will rule.
5 Voice Of the Seven Thunders– The last time i saw Rick Tomlinson play it was under his previous monicker Voice Of the Seven Woods and i was totally mesmerised. Its a geeky guitar boy thing to say but he is a fucking amazing guitar player. His music is amazing and i’m really excited about hearing him again.
* good fact – it was Stuarts mum that first allerted us to the bomb scare of 2006, which she had seen announced on the news in Glasgow, unbeknown to us in Digbeth until a few hours later – always the last to hear about exciting developments!
In the lead up to Supersonic (just over 3 weeks away) we have asked regular visitors to tell us what they’re most looking forward to seeing this year. Contemporary artist Mark Titchnerwho contributed to our Home Of Metalsymposium back in 2007 and will be exhibiting as part of our celebrations next summer at New Art Gallery Walsall, had this to say:
There have been numerous highlights for me at Supersonic over the years, Harvey Milk, Corrupted, Dalek, Om, Earthless….but my fondest (?) memory is of the Oxbow Duos performance with Justin Broadrick, Stephen O’Malley and Dave Cochrane in 2007. A show that was so intense that I had a panic attack afterwards! ”
Lichens (aka Rob Lowe) is not just performing at Supersonic, he is also curating a series of film screenings in the Theatre space.
Outer Limits is an exploration of contemporary works dealing with observations and ritual practices in connection with the natural world and the cosmic plane.
Subtle, glacial and turbulent, like the simple seismic shift of Luke Fischbeck and Sarah Rara’s “Earthquakes Agave” , or the deep breathed bliss of Sabrina Ratté’s “Mirages”. These video works provide an open door into the next phases of image capture, while embracing the history of the medium.
With Paul Clipson and Rose Kallal both working in a multiple image16mm film format, it makes for a warm and saturated feel that is properly visceral. You truly understand the intuition and process both attribute to their craft as they immerse themselves in the violence and awe of nature and what is unknown.
The centerpiece of this program is “Guardian of the Veil”. Matthew Barney’s first in a series collaborations with Jonathan Bepler that will be seven performances to convey the stages of Norman Mailer’s novel “Ancient Evenings”. This documentation is a performance at the Manchester Opera House in 2007. With precision of form, Barney gives a nod to the old Gods, while presenting Egyptian ceremonial rites from his own perspective, and a fresh one at that.
This will be an exclusive screening, as this has not been shown in a format larger than a video monitor as of yet.
Saturday 23rd October
11am + 2.30pm
mac Cannon Hill Park Birmingham B12 9QH
Tickets £5 Bookings 0121 446 3232
For 2 – 7 year olds and their families
A 1 hr workshop & performance exploring experimental music aimed and kids and their families.
Ever since Schoenberg and Kandinsky became pen pals back in 1907, avant-garde art and experimental music has been attempting to find some common ground. But, it’s not been easy. While modern art is a mass phenomenon, experimental music is often derided and ignored by the masses. Here’s our contribution towards a solution: ‘Big Sounds for Little People’. If you couldn’t guess from the snappy title, it’s a gig, for kids and their families, which aims to introduce children to experimental music at an early age.
Featuring US based, Dosh, a one-man band, a virtuoso, and West Midlands local circuit-bending fiend Glatze. Glatze uses customised instruments (including: circuit-bent Furby dolls and kids’ toys) that have been specially rewired to create all sorts of musical wizardry. Dosh a multi-instrumentalist; combines a host of instruments into an exciting and unique live experience. See firsthand how these unlikely instruments are used to make noise / sound / music, and to have a go yourselves.