Together We Breathe

Tue 3rd September 2013
Library of Birmingham

The Discovery season began with a magnificent performance by 100 + brass players. Encircling the crowds in the Book Rotunda, Together We Breathe brought together horns, trumpets, trombones, cornets and tubas to create a mass of sound to a huge crowd of visitors .

Sound artists Super Critical Mass have been invited by Capsule to present an innovative take on the traditional fanfare. Together We Breathe is a large-scale performance installation created by the Australian sonic arts company to celebrate the opening. The free event brings together over 100  local brass players of all ages and backgrounds, to set the tone for Europe’s largest civic building. The participants (drawn from schools, colleges and professional ensembles) will stand throughout the library, filling the air with sound as its first visitors wander through its sights and delights.

The process and performance will all be filmed for a special episode of the BBC’s Culture Show, which will air on September 11 2013

Supported by Sound and Music + PBone
Partners CBSO, Birmingham Conservatoire, Town Hall Symphony Hall, Youth Brass, Brass Band of Birmingham, Performing Arts Services